Mynavi Corporation (hereinafter “the Company”) has established the following policy regarding the use of social media.
Basic Policy
The Company uses several social media platforms to communicate with its users.
The Company also understands the influence of social media and, accordingly, strives to disseminate information in a highly transparent and accurate manner.
In the unlikely event that there is an error in disseminated information, the Company will correct said error as quickly as possible.
The Company requires its account operators to comply with various laws, regulations, and internal rules when using social media. The Company’s account operators use social media only after thoroughly understanding various laws, regulations, and internal rules.
Response to Inquiries and Follows
The Company does not respond to all inquiries posted to its accounts. The same also applies to content posted by users about the Company's services on social media, regardless of whether it is related to the Company's accounts.
For comments or questions regarding the Company, please use the “Service Inquiries” page.
Please note that the Company's accounts may follow user accounts and contact users individually.
All copyrights to information and other materials posted by the Company to its accounts belong to the Company.
The Company's accounts may repost information and other materials with the prior consent of some users. Copyrights to information and other materials that have been reposted belong to the original creator.
The Company may use comments and content posted by users as analytical data for the Company's future activities and marketing, among other purposes. Even if this occurs, users who posted the content will not be entitled to any compensation claims or rights associated with development, etc.
The Company is not responsible for any comments, photos, videos, or other materials posted by users.
The Company does not fully guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of information disseminated from the Company's accounts.
Information disseminated from the Company's accounts does not necessarily coincide with the Mynavi Group's official announcements or represent the official views of the Mynavi Group. Official announcements and views are disseminated through the Company's website, press releases, and other sources.
If the Company's accounts respond to a user's post, the Company's intent is expressed only in that post, and the Company has no knowledge of, nor is it responsible for, any past postings or other activity on that account.
The Company is not responsible for any damage, trouble, or other issues caused to users as a result of their use of, or inability to use, social media.
The system, functions, and usage of each social media platform, as well as the functions, usage, etc. of applications provided by third parties, are subject to the terms and conditions set forth by said social media platform.
The Company reserves the right to delete or change any content disseminated from the Company's accounts without prior notice. The Company also reserves the right to terminate the operation of its accounts without prior notice.
The Company reserves the right to change these guidelines at any time without prior notice.
Prohibited Items
The Company may take measures such as blocking an account if a user's conduct falls under any of the following items.
- Acts to disclose, divulge, or identify personal information of said individual or third parties
- Acts that cause any disadvantages to the Company or third parties
- Acts that slander or defame the Company or third parties, or infringe on their honor or human rights
- Acts that infringe on the copyrights or other intellectual property rights of the Company or third parties
- Acts against public order and morals or laws and regulations
- Acts that may encourage criminal activity
- Acts of solicitation for political activities, religious activities, and other similar activities
- Acts that interfere with the safe and comfortable use of users by posting information unrelated to the Company’s accounts or related Mynavi services, etc.
- Acts of declaring information that is not based on facts
- Acts carried out for commercial purposes conducted through, or in connection with, the Company's accounts
- Acts that interfere with the operation of the Company’s accounts
- Other acts that the Company deems inappropriate
Informative Data
The handling of informative data in the use of social media is in accordance with the Company's handling policy as well as the handling of each service.
Supplementary Provisions
These guidelines will be gradually applied from June 24, 2024 onwards.