The Mynavi Group has identified five material issues that it should prioritize and tackle to achieve its Purpose and to achieve a sustainable society, based on its Basic Sustainability Policy.
Process of identifying material issues
We identified material issues as follows.

Materiality matrix

Mynavi Group Materiality
Climate action
As climate change becomes even more serious, the damage that humanity and society suffer from natural disasters, such as typhoons, torrential rains, earthquakes, tsunamis, severe droughts, and water shortages, could be far more significant than we anticipate. We tackle the problem of climate change to prevent, to the maximum extent possible, a crisis that could pose threat to our learning and our work and to ensure that we and future generations will be able to lead safe and rich lives.

Contributing to the development of society through business
In these times of VUCA—volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity—society has been changing at an accelerating pace year by year. In order to illuminate a formerly undefined future, we defy stereotypes and continue to offer new services that are able to meet a variety of needs and address all kinds of social issues. Not only do we support career development and help create a better work environment, but we also innovate to broaden people’s potential, thereby contributing to the development of society.

Promoting decent work
As the working population decreases and work styles become increasingly diversified, it is important to provide a workplace environment in which all employees are able to demonstrate their ability, and thereby ensure that all employees are able to envision a promising future. We establish a workplace environment that values employees’ well-being and provide workplaces where employees are able to feel a sense of fulfillment about their work and perform at their best.

Promoting respect for human rights and diversity
We accept diverse values and value respecting all people we work with. We promote respect for human rights and diversity, while also endeavoring to create an organizational culture in which diverse people are able to demonstrate their ability, regardless of gender, age, race, nationality, or whether they have any disability or not.

Conducting business in a responsible way
Managing information properly is one of the important responsibilities for Mynavi, which mainly provides services using the Internet, information technology, and data. We ensure that all employees have keen awareness about information management, endeavor to promote compliance and strengthen corporate governance, and act in a just way, in order to contribute to building a sustainable society. In addition, we also conduct business in a transparent way.

Materiality System

Sustainability promotion PJ targets and action plan of the administrative divisions
Climate action
Commitments | Targets for the 52nd fiscal year | Action plan |
Reduce CO2 emissions | Calculate our CO2 emissions (for the period from October 2022 to September 2023) (only for the emissions from the parent company of the Mynavi Group) |
Provide environmental education and to implement awareness raising initiatives | Increase the percentage of employees taking the e-Learning course about the environment |
Contributing to the development of society through business
Commitments | Targets for the 52nd fiscal year | Action plan |
Increase the number of cases of providing career support services | Calculation of the number of users who received our career
support services (51nd fiscal year:5.26 million) |
Promoting decent work
Commitments | Targets for the 52nd fiscal year | Action plan |
Develop workplaces that ensure employees’ security and safety | Continue to be recognized as a KENKO Investment for Health company |
Improve employees’ work-life balance | The percentage of employees using our employee benefits services: 60% |
Promote work styles that help both our company and employees to deliver good performance | Identify issues related to work styles that help employees to deliver good performance, and take measures to enhance and improve our systems |
Promoting respect for human rights and diversity
Commitments | Targets for the 52nd fiscal year | Action plan |
Develop and implement policies and measures to deepen all employees’ understanding about human rights | Develop and implement a human rights policy |
Strengthen diversity initiatives | Foster a culture that values diversity |
Conducting business in a responsible way
Commitments | Targets for the 52nd fiscal year | Action plan |
Establish an information security management system | Reduce the number of serious incidents Maintain ISMS certification (only for the divisions that have obtained the certification) |
Manage personal information properly | The percentage of employees who have completed the e-Learning course about personal information: 100% Maintain the recognition as a Privacy Mark company |
Promote compliance management | The goal of compliance training course attendance rate: 100% Increase the visibility of our consultation and whistleblowing hotline |
Ensure product safety and reliability | Reduce serious incidents due to systems |
Conduct marketing properly, including following a code of advertising ethics and establishing a system to assess advertisements | Maintain the appropriateness of advertisement content Reduce problems due to representation Continue to follow the recruitment advertisement assessment standards |
Enhance our risk management system | Improve and examine our risk management system |