The Mynavi Group Human Rights Policy
The Purpose of the Mynavi Group (“the Group”) is: “To create a world that envisions the future by engaging with each individual’s potential.” The Group respects individuals’ human rights in conducting business, based on the Mynavi Group Human Rights Policy set out below (“the Policy”).
1.Basic principle
The Group recognizes the importance of respect for human rights in business activity, respects human rights of all people who are affected by the Group’s business activities, and never engages in any human rights violation.
To prevent and mitigate negative effects on human rights, it is important to understand and accept diverse ways of thinking and ways of life. Not only does the Group reject prejudice, discrimination, harassment and other acts that constitute a human rights violation, but it also strives to create a society in which people are able to see potential in each individual, show appreciation and respect to one another, and respect diverse values.
In its business activities, the Group endeavors to avoid directly engaging in or indirectly contributing to any human rights violation. The Group also upholds internationally accepted human rights standards set out below and implements initiatives in accordance with the United Nations’ Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.
- – The International Bill of Human Rights
- – The ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work
In addition, if the Group finds that, as it strives to conduct business in a just and sincere way, it is impossible to meet both legal requirements in the areas where the Group operates and internationally accepted human rights norms, then the Group seeks a way that respects internationally accepted human rights norms to the maximum extent possible.
2.Scope of application of the Human Rights Policy
The Group applies the Policy to all officers and employees.
The Group also asks business partners related to its business activities (including client companies and providers of various services) to support the Policy.
3.Material human rights issues
The Group considers the following matters as material issues.
Eliminating prejudice, discrimination, and harassment
The Group rejects any prejudice, discrimination, and harassment on the grounds of nationality, race, ethnicity, religion, belief, birthplace, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, disability, social status, and other conditions. The Group respects individuals’ character and personality and strives to realize a discrimination-free, worker-friendly, and safe and secure workplace environment across the supply chain.Forbidding forced labor, child labor, and human trafficking
In the Code of Conduct, the Group has made a commitment to “provide better information and valuable services and contributing to the creation of a richer and healthier society and environment through its business activities.” The Group rejects any form of forced labor, child labor, human trafficking and other modern slavery systems, and related activities across the supply chain.Protecting personal information and respecting privacy
In conducting business activity, the Group prioritizes respecting privacy and protecting personal information of users, clients, employees, and other stakeholders.Addressing the effects of the advancement of AI technology on human rights
In recent years, technology has advanced significantly, as exemplified by artificial intelligence (AI). AI is contributing to making people’s lives richer, but at the same time, as it is being brought into use more widely and its development advances further, people are beginning to consider the technology as having problematic effects on human rights.
The Group recognizes that when used inappropriately, AI could cause serious human rights violation, such as defamation, violation of privacy, and discrimination, and to prevent it, the Group observes relevant principles and guidelines established by international institutions and government offices. The Group also continuously monitors latest discussions about those guiding principles as well as best practices in the effort to utilize those guiding principles. In addition, the Group respects human rights in product development to the maximum extent possible.Protecting intellectual property rights
The Group educates employees, and works to raise awareness about the importance of intellectual property rights and their appropriate use. The Group ensures that employees are fully informed of and observe legal requirements and the Group’s policy about intellectual property rights.
In conducting business activity, the Group also takes the utmost care not to infringe individuals’ intellectual property rights.Workstyles that value well-being
The Group observes applicable laws and regulations and ensures appropriate salaries and wages and proper management of working hours.
The Group also creates a workplace environment that values employees’ well-being to ensure that each of them is able to lead a healthy and fulfilling life. In addition, the Group follows the same-job-same-pay principle and observes minimum wage laws.
4.Promotion system for the Human Rights Policy
In order to ensure the effectiveness of the Policy, the Group establishes a promotion system to implement the Policy.
5.Remediation process and rectification
If it is found that an officer or employee of the Group has directly brought about, or has contributed to, a negative effect on human rights in his or her business activities, or if it is found that a negative effect on human rights has arisen indirectly from the Group’s transactions and other business activities, the Group provides remedies for those people negatively affected, based on international standards and through appropriate procedures.
The Group also establishes a hotline for all stakeholders, including the Group’s employees, suppliers, and job seekers, to consult and blow the whistle on human rights issues and endeavors to solve problems or provide remedies.
6.Dialogue with stakeholders
In the process of implementing the Policy, the Group seeks advice from external experts and holds dialogue with stakeholders to ensure continuous improvement.
7.Education, training, and awareness raising initiatives
The Group provides education and training for officers and employees and works to raise awareness about respect for human rights, in order to promote their understanding about the Policy and instill it in them.
The Group discloses information about the progress of its human rights initiatives on its corporate website and through other media.